Monthly Archives: November 2019

Stage 1 of Gisborne Airport’s “iconic” new terminal is now open

Stage 1 of Gisborne Airport’s “iconic” new terminal is now open

 At 4.30am on Tuesday 19 November, one of the country’s preeminent Māori artists, Derek Lardelli, led a karakia to bless the first stage of Gisborne Airport’s new terminal. Guests included representatives from Ngāi Tāwhiri, who hold mana whenua over the area, airport operator Eastland Group, their shareholder Trust Tairāwhiti, Mayor Rehette Stoltz and other local… Read more »

Stage 1 of new Gisborne airport terminal opens 19 Nov

Stage 1 of new Gisborne airport terminal opens 19 Nov

Construction of Gisborne Airport’s new terminal building began in late March this year, and now Stage 1 is almost complete. The doors open to the public at 5am on Tuesday 19 November, following a blessing. “This is such an important milestone for the project, and for the region,” said Matt Todd, chief executive of airport… Read more »