Stage 1 of new Gisborne airport terminal opens 19 Nov

Stage 1 of new Gisborne airport terminal opens 19 Nov

Construction of Gisborne Airport’s new terminal building began in late March this year, and now Stage 1 is almost complete. The doors open to the public at 5am on Tuesday 19 November, following a blessing.

“This is such an important milestone for the project, and for the region,” said Matt Todd, chief executive of airport operator Eastland Group.

“It is so exciting to see this long-planned and essential infrastructure project, and gateway to our region, come to life. Once complete, it will ensure we can welcome ever-increasing numbers of passengers. It will also be an iconic building that showcases and celebrates Te Tairāwhiti.”

  • Overnight on Monday, all the check in desks and car hire desks will be moved to short-term positions in the completed Stage 1.
  • From 5am Tuesday, the new end of the terminal will be open and the old end will be closed.
  • The temporary baggage claim will be outside the new end of the building, towards the control tower.
  • The indoor baggage carousel will be used by airline staff to drop bags (it will be fully operational at the end of the project).
  • There will be spacious new seating areas.
  • The cafe will continue to operate as normal.
  • The parking remains unchanged.
  • Contractors will be finishing off a number of areas in Stage 1 over the coming days.
  • The contractors will close off and demolish the old part of the terminal, and begin construction of the second and final stage. This will be completed mid 2020.
  • Digital displays, a regional tourism showcase and artworks will be added to the finished terminal.

“While Stage 1 is substantially complete, there are areas we are still working on. We’ll make sure that any disruption to the travelling public is kept to an absolute minimum,” said Mr Todd.

“Although this is only the first stage, and very much still a work in progress, visitors will be able to get a sense of the shared vision for the whole building.

“This includes a central tāhuhu that will run right down the centre of the ceiling.

“As we begin construction of the final stage, it’s timely to acknowledge our partners in this project, Ngāi Tāwhiri and Lardelli Arts, who have collaborated with us on the design of the terminal. Also, all the contractors who have worked to get the first stage finished in a reasonably tight timeframe. And the community, who have been so patient as we build a new terminal while continuing to keep it operating.

“And importantly, we wish to thank funders Trust Tairāwhiti and the Provincial Growth Fund, who have made the entire project possible.”

The new terminal is being funded by Eastland Group ($2 million), Trust Tairāwhiti ($5 million), and the Provincial Growth Fund ($5.5 million). Gisborne Airport is owned by Gisborne District Council.

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