Monthly Archives: October 2021

New mobile cranes for port

New mobile cranes for port

PORT logistics company ISO Limited will soon bring three new large mobile harbour cranes to Eastland Port, in a move to improve safety and export flow. The first two cranes are scheduled to arrive at Eastland Port on November 8, while the third will arrive on November 16. Two are making the 12,000 nautical mile… Read more »

Major upgrades for historic inner breakwater

Major upgrades for historic inner breakwater

BREAKWATER BUILD: The 220 metre inner breakwater was built in the 1880s using large concrete blocks put in place by crane. The new repairs focus on a 125 metre section. Photo credit: Tairāwhiti Museum   The repairs and rebuild of the inner breakwater at Eastland Port start this week, and will reinforce a structure that was… Read more »