Eastland Network today announced its pricing schedule for the period 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019. This covers all electricity connections in Gisborne and Wairoa Districts.
Eastland Network prices are regulated by the Commerce Commission. Working within regulation means there will be a small decrease in line charges of approximately 0.84% for the average residential consumer.
This equates to a reduction per consumer of about $2 per month.
Line charges make up around 40 percent of the total cost on an electricity bill, and include transmission charges (passed on from Transpower) and Eastland Network’s distribution charges.
Eastland Network bills these line charges directly to energy retailers, and they incorporate them into each customer’s power bill. The remaining 60 percent of costs are determined by the energy retailers.
The network pricing is reviewed annually. Eastland Network’s tariff structure has not been altered, and remains the same as last year. As part of New Zealand’s regulated electricity sector, any change in Eastland Network’s revenue must comply with the Commerce Commission’s Default Price-Quality Path Determination requirements.
“The region’s electricity usage has remained steady over the past 12 months,” said Eastland Network general manager Brent Stewart. “As forecast, customer demand is continuing at similar levels to a year ago.”
Locals who would like to understand more about their power bill, and what they’re paying, are invited to call into Electric Village, 37 Gladstone Road Gisborne.