ECT appoints new directors to Eastland

ECT appoints new directors to Eastland

After an extensive recruitment process, ECT has appointed Keith Sutton and Fiona Mules to the Eastland Group Board of Directors.

As Director of Sutton McCarthy Limited, Keith Sutton has built a career providing strategic, financial and treasury advice to a range of clients, specialising in corporate governance and risk management.  His early career was in investment banking and corporate finance, both in New Zealand and overseas.

Mr Sutton is a member of Maori Trustee advisory board, a director of Gough Group Limited, Wellington International Airport Limited, as well as a range of farming businesses in Gisborne and elsewhere in New Zealand and Tasmania. He was previously Chairman of Taranaki Investment Management Limited and the New Zealand Futures Exchange.

Fiona Mules is the former Head of New Zealand Treasury’s Public Private Partnership Programme, designed to bring about greater efficiencies in the provision of public services, and more effective capital asset management. Ms Mules has an investment banking background and, as such, has held roles as Corporate Finance Director for Price Waterhouse Coopers, and Manager with Westpac’s corporate advisory team. She now acts as an independent consultant, currently advising several public-sector agencies on current and potential PPP projects.

Ms Mules is an Independent Member of the Housing Infrastructure Fund Panel with MBIE, as well as the Capital Investment Panel and National Infrastructure Advisory Board with the New Zealand Treasury. She is also the Deputy Chair of Development Christchurch.

ECT Chairman Michael Muir says Trustees were delighted with the calibre of candidates noting it speaks volumes of the Company’s growing reputation in the energy and logistics sector.

He says he is pleased that Mr Sutton and Ms Mules were available to add their considerable expertise to the Board and has no doubt both will make a significant contribution to the strategic direction of the company.

“Eastland Group’s Directors are ultimately responsible for critical pieces of regional infrastructure, which in turn support the growth aspirations of our community. The roles taken up by Mr Sutton and Ms Mules are pivotal, and we expect their considerable expertise will ensure the company provides the best returns to the community, ensuring socio-economic gains throughout the region,” he says.

Matt Todd, Eastland Group chief executive, is also pleased with the appointment

“On behalf of the Eastland Group leadership team and Board, I’m delighted to welcome Keith and Fiona as our newest directors. Our shareholder, Eastland Community Trust, has appointed two directors with exceptional credentials. They will play an important role in helping guide the continuing development and ensuring the ongoing success of Eastland Group.”

The Eastland Group Board is made up of independent Directors. The Board of Directors sets the strategic course for the company with the assistance of Eastland Group leadership team.

Nelson Cull stood down at Eastland Group’s AGM in August. Tony Gray is acting as interim Chairman with Matanuku Mahuika, John Rae, Michael Glover and Keiran Devine making up the remainder of the Board.

Eastland Community Trust, as Eastland Group’s only shareholder, has sole responsibility for appointing Eastland Group’s Board of Directors. Directors are appointed for a three-year term but can seek reappointment at the end of their tenure.