Eastland Group Wairoa Community Fund launched

Eastland Group Wairoa Community Fund launched

Wairoa Mayor Craig Little and Eastland Group Chief Executive Matt Todd have announced the launch of a new partnership fund to support community projects in Wairoa.

The Eastland Group Wairoa Community Fund will contribute $15,000 a year towards Wairoa-focused events and activities, for the next 10 years. The total sponsorship is worth $150,000, and is part of the Waihi Dam settlement reached by the Hawkes Bay Regional Council and Eastland Group.

Eastland Group is the regional infrastructure company that owns Eastland Network, Eastland Generation, Eastland Port, and runs the Gisborne Airport. They’re responsible for keeping the lights on in Wairoa, Mahia, Gisborne and the East Coast, and are also a key sponsor of the Wairoa Destination Playground.

Wairoa District Council has approved a recommendation to support the first allocation of $15,000 from the fund to the Wairoa Museum, to contribute to Stage Three of the Museum’s major development – Kākapa.

In an Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday, Wairoa District councillors agreed they wanted to develop a process in conjunction with Eastland Group when it came to selecting worthwhile organisations or groups within the Wairoa district to receive the fund.

The Eastland Group Wairoa Community Fund will be awarded annually.

From 2018, it’s expected that the fund will be contestable and the community will be invited to submit a brief proposal on their project or idea.

Mr Little wanted to thank Eastland Group for their commitment to supporting the community through this fund.

“I’m certain this will help get a number of community projects on their feet, supporting projects for the benefit of the Wairoa community,” Mr Little said.

“Kākapa is a visionary project,” said Mr Todd.

“It’s bringing the region’s history, people and stories together in unique, and uniquely engaging, ways.

“We’re proud to join the Wairoa District Council in supporting the museum. This is a place where the young people of Wairoa, their families, friends and visitors, can immerse themselves in a journey through Wairoa’s rich history.

“We look forward to working closely with the Wairoa District Council and the community to help fund more important projects over the coming years.”