Since our update earlier this morning, around 300 customers have had their power restored. In total, approximately 800 customers are still affected.
Our teams started work again at first light, investigating and repairing faults. In a number of locations, there are multiple faults that need to be repaired before power can be restored. Along Mata and Ihungia Roads, for example, trees have damaged the overhead conductor and poles.
Generally, priority is being given to repairing faults that pose the greatest risk or affect the most customers.
We’re sorry to say that it’s unlikely we’ll get the power on for everyone today. We’ll keep you posted.
In the meantime, to report power issues at your place, please call 0800 206 207.
There are power cuts across the district, including in these areas:
East Coast: Waikura Valley, Kopuapounamu/Whakaangiangi, Waiomatatini, Makarika/Hiruharama, Te Puia/Waipiro Bay, Mata Rd/Ihungia Rd, Anaura Bay, Tauwhareparae.
Gisborne: Panikau Rd, Waingake, Tangihanga Rd, Kanakania, Bushy Knoll/Tiniroto.
Wairoa: End of Mahia Peninsula, Morere, Tukemokihi, Marumaru, Whakapunaki.
Thanks again to everyone for their patience during the aftermath of the cyclone.