Eastland Group announces sponsorship of new Wairoa Destination Playground

Eastland Group announces sponsorship of new Wairoa Destination Playground

Eastland Group announced today that it would be a key sponsor for the Wairoa Destination Playground, an important new community project being developed beside the river.

“The Wairoa Young Achievers Trust and playground committee are bringing a long-held vision to life, and we’re proud to support them,” said Eastland Group Chief Executive Matt Todd.

“We are contributing $100,000 towards the project, which has been in the planning stages for several years. Added to funding from other organisations such as the Lottery Grants Board, and the Wairoa District Council’s recent approval of the playground’s location, this means the project can now go full steam ahead.”

The sponsorship is part of the Waihi Dam settlement reached by the Hawkes Bay Regional Council and Eastland Group. The company is also signing a 10-year sponsorship agreement that will see it contribute $15,000 per year towards other Wairoa-focused events and activities.

“We considered several options for our main sponsorship, and the playground project stood out as one we were determined to be involved with,” said Mr Todd.

“It has a huge amount of support and enthusiasm from everyone who has worked so hard to see it become a reality, and promises to be a real asset and long-lasting legacy for the region. The playground is on the bank of the river, in the heart of the community, and will be a vibrant, engaging place for Wairoa locals and visitors to enjoy all year round.”

One of the major pieces of playground equipment will be called ‘the falcon’s nest’. This reflects the design of Eastland Group’s logo, which symbolises New Zealand’s native karearea as well as representing a stylised version of the East Coast.

“The Wairoa Young Achievers Trust is delighted to have Eastland Group on board with this community inspired project,” said Trust chairperson James Baty.

“Playgrounds play an essential role in the social, emotional, cognitive and physical wellbeing of children right from the stage of early childhood.

“Eastland Group’s assistance is greatly appreciated, and will go a long way towards bringing our community and visitors together to enjoy the wonders of the Destination Playground.”

The playground will be built near to the existing skate park by the river, with the opening date to be confirmed.