Eastland Group showcasing new energy innovations at East Coast Farming Expo

Eastland Group showcasing new energy innovations at East Coast Farming Expo

East Coast Farming Expo
Wairoa A&P Showgrounds, Wednesday 5 – Thursday 6 April, 2017

Early next month, farmers from around the region have a unique opportunity to explore the latest agricultural innovations and technology at the East Coast Farming Expo. Eastland Group is one of the lead sponsors of the expo, and will be holding their first ever “New Energy” showcase on site.

“Emerging energy technologies have the potential to transform the local economy, and the way farmers and other business owners operate,” said Gavin Murphy, General Manager Business Development for Eastland Group.

“Eastland Network is responsible for keeping the lights on in our region. Eastland Generation generates power in sustainable ways, including geothermal and hydro plants. Company-wide, the Group is exploring the possibilities of electric vehicles, solar power, battery storage and other potentially game-changing developments.”

Eastland Group is committed to ensuring at least 75% of its non-commercial vehicle fleet is electric by 2019.

At the expo, Eastland Group’s New Energy display will include the company’s two latest additions to its fleet, a BMW i3 plug-in hybrid and a fully electric Nissan Leaf.

“As well as finding out about the environmental and cost-saving benefits of EVs, attendees will be able to have a look under the hood and take an EV for a test drive,” said Mr Murphy.

“We’ve also teamed up with Ubco, the award-winning 2×2 electric farm bike company, and they’ll be available to test drive as well. These acclaimed Kiwi-made bikes have been generating huge interest among farmers, hunters and off-roaders.”

Dan Necklen, Marketing Manager for Ubco, added: “We’re pleased to have a growing number of Kiwi farmers using the Ubco every day, and we’re excited about exhibiting at the upcoming East Coast Farming Expo in Wairoa.”

Eastland Group’s New Energy showcase will also feature a Solar Centre, where specialists including MPower and Zen Energy will be promoting and talking about the latest solar technology.

Representatives from Eastland Network will be on hand to discuss how the Wairoa region is powered, along with offering some smart safety tips around trees and power lines on farms.

Tickets to the East Coast Farming Expo are $10 a day, and available at the gate or online via eastcoastexpo.co.nz