Power is fully restored to Gisborne and the East Coast,  4 hours ahead of schedule

Power is fully restored to Gisborne and the East Coast, 4 hours ahead of schedule

After a light plane crashed into the high voltage lines near Hangaroa, severing the region’s connection to the national grid, Eastland Network crews have been working to get power fully restored and secured.

This morning’s planned power outage was necessary to complete the most high-risk final repairs, and was scheduled to last from 6am to around 2pm.

Residents were delighted when power began going back on from 9.30 am, rolling out progressively until the whole district had power restored just after 10am. Several thanked Eastland Network on social media for getting the power on in time for Sunday breakfast.

Eastland Network general manager, Brent Stewart, said that the whole team was happy to get power restored four hours ahead of schedule. “Residents and business owners have been so patient, but this has been massively inconvenient for them. We wanted to not only make sure the power supply was secure, but also get it back up and running again as quickly as possible.”

“Today’s conditions have been ideal for installing the new conductors next to the live ones, which is the tricky part of the process that required the power to be off. The crews still have another few hours left at the site, and then they’ll be going home to their families for a well earned Christmas break.”

“On behalf of Eastland Network and the crews, I’d like to thank this very special community of ours, which has rallied round in challenging circumstances. Your compassion and concern for the families of George Anderson and Robert Solouota, your patience in the face of days without power, and your kind messages for our crews, have been heartwarming and humbling.”

“Out thoughts are with George and Robert’s families this Christmas.”
